Foster Kids United and Foster Strong U unite for the best resources for youth!

💪 Foster Strong, a renowned organization dedicated to serving the US foster care community, has been making waves with its mission to provide comprehensive resources and support. Foster Kids United, on the other hand, has been actively working towards improving the lives of foster youth through various programs and initiatives. By collaborating, we are combining our strengths and expertise to bring the best resources and opportunities to the youth in our programs.

🌐 Our joint mission is to use their dynamic online platform that will serve as a hub of resources, connections, and support for the US foster care community. Whether it's educational resources, mentorship programs, support networks, or opportunities, Foster Strong's platform will be the go-to destination for foster youth and their caregivers nationwide.

🤝 By collaborating, Foster Kids United and Foster Strong are pooling our resources, knowledge, and networks to ensure that every foster youth in our programs receives the support they need to thrive. Together, we will empower them to overcome challenges, chase their dreams, and build a brighter future.

🔗 Stay tuned as we work diligently to bring this powerful collaboration to life. We are excited to unveil the resource hub that will revolutionize the way we support and connect the US foster care community.

🙏 We extend our sincere gratitude to Foster Strong for making this collaboration possible. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of foster youth, providing them with the tools, resources, and support they deserve.

Know of a resource in your area that could help set youth up for success? Maybe you want to make a difference? Join our village and help us find resources nationwide! Once you find an organization, submit it below and we'll add it to our library.

Foster Kids United 501c3 All Rights Reserved 2022

And any financial support is tax deductible